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Currently, efforts are underway to establish a national culture that encourages women of color to reach their full potential in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. My laboratory is at the forefront of this effort. The core of the research  will exploit impactful practices that have been developed at Spelman while addressing the holistic development of students as they navigate this “room” toward attaining STEM doctoral degrees. By considering development at various career points from middle school through college, it is envisioned that this initiative will ultimately give a voice to women of color in STEM. This work will h bring recognition to the accomplishments of women of color, create a shift in the perceptions of women of color in STEM, and increase their visibility in STEM fields.

PUBLICATIONS (select few)
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L. Winfield, L.B Hibbard, K.M. Jackson, S. Sanders Johnson. Broadening Participation in STEM:  Cultivating Agency Through the Chemistry And Biochemistry Curriculum At Spelman College. Emerald Publishing (2018, in press).


Jackson, K.M. and L.L. Winfield. Hope for a New Paradigm: Black Lives Matter at a Black Women’s College.  CATALYST: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, Lab Meeting, 3:8-9 (2017).


Jackson, K.M., M. Ayalew, D.V. Bradley, Y. Olubummo, J.O. Thomas, J.Wilson. A Training Ground for Women of Color in STEM:  Spelman College Tackles the STEM Pipeline as a Social Justice Issue. NETWORK, a Journal of Faculty Development, Spring 2016.


Winfield, L.L, K.M. Jackson, Y. Jelani, S. Sanders, A. Thompson. Promoting Global Connections in Chemistry. NETWORK, a Journal of Faculty Development, Spring 2015.


Jackson, K.M. and L.L. Winfield. Realigning the Crooked Room: Spelman Claims a Space for African American Women in STEM. Peer Review, 16 (2): 9-12, (2014).

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